This series of 6 meetings aim to provide a multidisciplinar update in sarcoma, focusing of several issues. Each meeting will be organized for one SELNET member.
The format will be (at least for now) virtual, through Webinars of around 90′ (16:00-17:30 CET).
The Webinars are programmed for:
- 18 FEBRUARY: Novel therapies in sarcoma
- 15 APRIL: Molecular biomarkers in sarcoma
- 24 JUNE: News in Ewing sarcoma
- 23 SEPTEMBER: Surgery in abdominal/retroperitoneal sarcoma
- 10 NOVEMBER: Updates in STS in 2021
- 9 DECEMBER: Imaging in sarcoma
Definitive agenda and link to access to each meeting will be provided accordingly.