SELNET pathology
The first pathology educational webinar of a series of meetings, chaired by Prof Paolo dei Tos, coordinator of the SELNET Pathology Network took place last Thursday 13 of May 16:00-17:30 CET
“Diagnostic accuracy in sarcoma diagnosis: problems and solutions across the ocean”
We enjoyed with the intervention of our speakers:
Dr Haydee Caro (Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (INCAN) Mexico City; Mexico)
Dr Alberto Righi (Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy)
- You can see the session again in this link:
30pXkn7nqE0 - Slides from Dr Righi are also available here:
content/uploads/2021/06/ SELNET_Pathology_webinar_13.5. 21_Righi_red.ppt
The second pathology educational webinar, chaired by Prof Paolo dei Tos, coordinator of the SELNET Pathology Network took place last Wednesday 30th June, 16:00-17:30 CET, with the title:
Molecular characterization of mesenchymal tumors: promises and challenges
We enjoyed with the intervention of our speaker, Dr Raul Perret (Bordeaux; France)
- The recording of the Webinar is available here:
- Slides from Dr Perret are also available here: Molecular characterization of mesenchymal tumors promises and challenges
The third educational webinars within the SELNET pathology network, was chaired by Prof Paolo dei Tos last 15 September
With the participation of high quality experts:
– The standpoint of clinicians for local therapies (Dr Gronchi)
– The standpoint of clinicians for systemic therapies (Prof Casali)
Do not miss the opportunity of reviewing the recording of this webinar in this link:
Last 28 of October, Prof Paolo dei Tos chaired the last educational webinar within the SELNET pathology network.
During this session, entitled “THE MISTAKES TO AVOID”, Prof Paolo dei Tos made a comprehensive review of sarcoma diagnosis, especially focusing in challenging histologic subtypes.
This wonderful lecture perfectly illustrates the relevance of expertise in sarcoma diagnosis.
Do not miss the opportunity of reviewing the recording of this webinar in this link:
Last July 21st, Dr. Judith Bovee presented a excellent and wonderful talk about “Chondrogenic tumors of bone: an update” it was comprehensive review where we were able to enjoy the different points of view.
We obtained the record of attendees in these webinars with a total of 171 and a peak of 100 participants connected at the same time.
Also Prof Paolo dei Tos chaired this educational webinar.
If you haven’t had a chance to see it, now do not miss the opportunity of reviewing the recording of this webinar in the next link:
Last October 13th, Dr.sabrina Croce presented an impressive talk, a lot of information and great update about “Mesenchymal tumor of GYN: an update”. Thanks once again to speaker Dr. Sabrina Croce. The last SELNET pathology webinar was held on 13th October, with a record of 180 attendees and a peak of 103 participants connected at the same time. Thank you to all the attendees and the great discussion! Also the collaboration of Dr. Alberto Righi as a chair, helping in the development of the webinar.
If you haven’t had a chance to see it, now do not miss the opportunity of reviewing the recording of this webinar in the next link:
SELNET Webinars
Evidence-based medicine has led to continuous progress in knowledge, skills and attitudes of cancer care, and these improvements should be implemented in daily practice. To ensure optimal diagnosis and care for sarcoma patients, specialists must participate in continuing medical education (CME) programs. The SELNET project includes CME activities to set standards of clinical competence for practice and encourage the continuing scholarship required for professional excellence, especially involving young sarcoma investigators.
This brochure includes current sarcoma educational opportunities available in 2020.
This webinar focused on novel therapies in sarcoma and was held last 18 of February. We had the opportunity of reviewing the last advanced in soft-tissue, bone sarcoma and GIST with great talks by Prof Jean-Yves Blay, Dr Emanuela Palmerini and Dr Jonathan Trent.
This webinar focused on biomarkers in sarcoma and was chaired by Dr Celso Mello and colleagues from the ACC Camargo Cancer Center São Paulo, Brazil
Do not miss the opportunity of enjoying the talks from our expert speakers: Dr Pollack, Dr dei Tos and Dr Huang!!
- Programme
- Join the meeting 15th April 16:00 CET in this link:
- Video recording is available in this link:
This webinar was focused on Ewing Sarcoma and was chaired by Dr Victor Castro and Dr Juan Carlos Haro and colleagues from the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas (INEN) from Lima (Perú)
Take the opportunity of enjoying the talks from our expert speakers: Dr Gaspar, Dr Windsor and Dr Palmerini
The webinar was held on Thursday 24th June, 16:00-17:30 (CET)
- Programme: Programme 24 June 2021
- The recording of the Webinar is available here:
Dear SELNET Members,
Last 23 of September 2021 SELNET hold a special Educational Webinar on Retroperitoneal Sarcoma
This meeting was chaired by colleagues from Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Mexico (INCAM)
Do not miss the opportunity of enjoying again the presentations of our expert colleagues:
Dr Alessandro Gronchi (INT Milan, Italy)
Dr Chandrajit Raut (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA)
Dr Roberta Sanfilippo (INT Milan, Italy)
You can see the recording of this meeting in this link:
Last 10th of June 2022, it was our pleasure to share the first edition of the Workshop on Innovative Approaches on Sarcoma, hold in the coordinator institution of SELNET, Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital.
As a special guest we had Dr. Bruna Buscharino showing us the limbs sparing surgery.
SELNET coordination team would like to thank the speakers and also to the assistants in person and online attendees for participating.
If you couldn’t see it, now you can access the recording of this meeting through this link:
Special meetings
Teaching programme for specialist in training and junior specialists. The main aim is to update specialist’s knowledge in sarcoma. The programme is divided into several modules. Presentations and videos are accessible through this linnk.
- 1.Introducción
- 2. Importancia del equipo multidisciplinar
- 3. Radiodiagnóstico: Valoración de la respuesta al tratamiento en sarcomas
- 4. Aspectos prácticos del diagnóstico anatomopatológico del sarcoma
- 5. Aproximación quirúrgica al tratamiento de los sarcomas óseos
- 6.Cirugía Oncoplástica en los tumores de partes blandas
- 7. Principios de la cirugía del retroperitoneo
- 8. Avances en Radioterapia en sarcomas
- 9. Principios del tratamiento sistémico de los sarcomas de partes blandas
Sarconnect 2018 presentation are also available here
Teaching programme for specialist in training and junior specialists. The main aim is to provide a wide multidisciplinary update in sarcoma.
Presentations are available in GEIS website. You can access the videos through this link.
Presentations from international key opinion leaders in sarcoma are available in GEIS website. You can access the videos through this link.
This webinar focus on the potential interactions between preclinical research, molecular biology tools and sarcoma therapeutics.
Presentations are available in GEIS website. You can access the videos through this link.
Several multidisciplinary talks on sarcoma (in French) are available in this link:
Several presentations are available (in English), following this link, including:
- Uterine Sarcomas (April 2020)- Prof Casali
- Ewing Sarcoma and Osteosarcoma (2019)- Dr Bielack
- Rare Bone Sarcoma (2019)- Stacchiotti
- Preoperative chemo-radiation therapy in STS (2019) Dr. Gronchi
The “SELNET-CTOS meeting: Updates in Sarcoma” was held last 10th November. During this webinar, we had the privilege to enjoy the lecturers of three international key opinion leaders in sarcoma:
- Dr William Tap, from MSKCC New York, who talked about the last Updates in the therapy of common STS.
- Dr Olivier Mir, from Gustave Roussy, who was in charge of updating us on Unfrequent Sarcoma.
- Dr Shreyas Patel, from MDACC, Houston, who discussed on the last Updates on Osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma.
Do not miss the opportunity of reviewing the recording of this webinar in this link:
The SELNET-CTOS meeting was held last November 16th. During this webinar, we had the privilege to enjoy the lecturers. Take the opportunity of enjoying the talks from our expert speakers:
- Dr. C. H.S. Caro-Sánchez from INCAN, México who talked about the The Spectrum of Vascular Tumors: Pitfalls in Histologic Diagnosis.
- Dr. A. Dufresne from CLB, France who discussed the Systemic Approach in Vascular Sarcomas.
- Dr. N. Devaud from FALP, Chile who was in charge of Retroperitoneal Sarcoma and resectability/ margins.
If you couldn’t see it, now you can access the recording of this meeting through this link:
The last November 24th hold a new MDT, this time was coordinated by from Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades neoplásicas-Perú. We had interesting cases that were reviewed by the 88 attendees of this meeting. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments write in ours emails.
Here you can review the cases presented in the last MDT, which was coordinated by Instituto Oncológico Fundación Arturo López Pérez (FALP) Chile. We had an attendance of 80 participants. See you in the next one:
Here you can review the cases presented in the last MDT, which was coordinated by Instituto Nacional de Cáncer (INCAN) Paraguay:
We had an attendance of 75 participants. Thank you for your participation.
See you in the next one:
Dear SELNET members,
The last July 28th hold a new MDT, this time was coordinated by from Hospital oncológico de la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina.
We had interesting cases that were reviewed by the 77 attendees of this meeting.
Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments:
Here you can review the cases presented in the last MDT, which was coordinated by Clínica las Américas-Colombia and SELNET coordination team-Spain. Thank you to all the participants for discussing the cases. See you in the next one on the 27th October
Here you can review the cases presented in the October MDT, which was coordinated by Instituto Oncológico Oriente Boliviano and SELNET coordination team-Spain. Thank you to all the participants for discussing the cases.
The last November 24th hold a new MDT, this time was coordinated by from Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades neoplásicas-Perú. We had interesting cases that were reviewed by the 88 attendees of this meeting. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments write in ours emails.
Here you can review the cases presented in the december MDT, which was coordinated by Léon Bérard Center (CLB), France and SELNET coordination team-Spain.
Thank you for your participation.
Continuing with our SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the anuary MDT, which was coordinated by Instituto Alexander Fleming (IAF), , Argentina and SELNET coordination team-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
Continuing with our SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the March MDT, which was coordinated by our partners from Costa rica and SELNET coordination team-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
May SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the anuary MDT, which was coordinated by our associate centers from Panamá and SELNET coordination team-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
Here you can review the cases presented in the last MDT, which was coordinated by Vall d’hebron Hospital and SELNET coordination team-Spain. Thank you to all the participants for discussing the cases. See you in the next one.
May SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the April MDT, which was coordinated by our associate centers from Costa Rica and SELNET coordination tema-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
May SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the May MDT, which was coordinated by our associate centers from Argentina and SELNET coordination tema-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
May SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the June MDT, which was coordinated by our associate centers from Perú and SELNET coordination tema-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
July SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the July MDT, which was coordinated by our associate centers from Brazil and SELNET coordination tema-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
September SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the September MDT, which was coordinated by our associate centers from Italy and SELNET coordination tema-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
October SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the October MDT, which was coordinated by our associate centers from Paraguay and SELNET coordination tema-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
November SELNET MDT board, here you can review the cases presented in the November MDT, which was coordinated by our associate centers from Mexico and SELNET coordination tema-Spain. Now you have the opportunity to review them in the following link and suggest your comments in our emails.
September 21 th and 22th 2023. With the support of Boehringer Ingelheim.